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2023-08-01 10:58:01

大量英文单词。1. a couple of - 两个,几个(例句:I'll be back in a couple of hours. 我会在几个小时内回来。)


2. a handful of - 一把,少量(例句:He grabbed a handful of candy from the bowl. 他从碗里抓了一把糖果。)

3. a pinch of - 一撮,少量(例句:Add a pinch of salt to the soup. 在汤里加一撮盐。)

4. a bit of - 一点儿,少量(例句:Could I have a bit of your cake? 我可以吃一点你的蛋糕吗?)

5. a few of - 几个,少数的(例句:A few of my friends are coming over tonight. 我的几个朋友今晚要来。)

6. a number of - 许多,大量(例句:A number of people have complained about the noise. 很多人抱怨噪音。)

7. a majority of - 大多数的(例句:A majority of the students voted for the new policy. 大多数学生投票支持新政策。)

8. a minority of - 少数的(例句:Only a minority of employees work on weekends. 只有少数员工在周末工作。)

9. a group of - 一群,一组(例句:A group of tourists gathered around the guide. 一群游客聚集在导游周围。)

10. a team of - 一队,一组(例句:The company hired a team of experts to solve the problem. 公司雇了一组专家来解决问题。)

11. a pack of - 一包,一群(例句:He bought a pack of cigarettes at the store. 他在商店买了一包香烟。)

12. a set of - 一套,一组(例句:She received a set of dishes as a wedding gift. 她收到了一套餐具作为婚礼礼物。)

13. a series of - 一系列,一连串(例句:The company released a series of new products this year. 公司今年发布了一系列新产品。)

14. a sequence of - 一个序列,一个顺序(例句:The computer program generated a sequence of numbers. 计算机程序生成了一个数字序列。)

15. a batch of - 一批,一组(例句:The bakery made a fresh batch of bread this morning. 面包店今天早上做了一批新鲜的面包。)

16. a load of - 一大堆,许多(例句:He has a load of work to do before the deadline. 截止日期前他有很多工作要做。)

17. a ton of - 很多,大量(例句:She has a ton of experience in the field. 她在这个领域有很多经验。)

18. a heap of - 一堆,许多(例句:There was a heap of laundry on the floor. 地上有一堆洗衣服。)

19. a pile of - 一堆,许多(例句:He had a pile of books on his desk. 他的桌子上有一堆书。)

20. a stack of - 一叠,一堆(例句:She handed me a stack of papers to grade. 她递给我一叠试卷要批改。)

21. a bunch of - 一束,一群(例句:He picked a bunch of flowers for his girlfriend. 他为女友采了一束花。)

22. a cluster of - 一簇,一群(例句:A cluster of stars shone brightly in the sky. 天空中闪耀着一簇星星。)

23. a flock of - 一群,一批(例句:A flock of birds flew overhead. 一群鸟从头顶飞过。)

24. a herd of - 一群,一头(例句:We saw a herd of cows grazing in the field. 我们看到了一头头在田野上吃草的奶牛。)

25. a pack of - 一包,一群(例句:He bought a pack of gum at the store. 他在商店买了一包口香糖。)

26. a swarm of - 一群,一堆(例句:A swarm of bees buzzed around the flowers. 一堆蜜蜂在花丛中嗡嗡作响。)

27. a congregation of - 一群,一批(例句:A congregation of people gathered in the church. 一批人聚集在教堂里。)

28. a fleet of - 一队,一群(例句:The company owns a fleet of trucks for deliveries. 公司拥有一队卡车进行送货。)

29. a horde of - 一群,一堆(例句:A horde of tourists crowded the streets. 一堆游客挤满了街道。)

30. a mob of - 一群,一伙(例句:The police had to break up a mob of protesters. 警察不得不驱散一伙抗议者。)

本文关键词: 大量英文
